Two new sections

Two new sections (or categories, whatever you prefer) are set to debut here on S60 Info, Any chance you missed this? and Hot links.

Any chance you missed this? will be the title (and the label) of posts focusing mainly on news that has been reported, mirrored, and then re-reported across the blogosphere. It's the replacement for copy-and-paste posts, which disturbingly are becoming more and more of a trend nowdays. Don't get me wrong, there will still be dedicated news posts, but only when at least one line of such a post will be 100% mine. And this will happen whenever I have a thought, an idea about that piece of news, or when it is something that ranks very high on my interest level.

Other than that, 'news' will probably show up a few times a week in these Any chance you missed this? posts, with several news items covered by each. I myself am getting just a little bit tired of reading the same post, the exact same post, for at least ten times whenever some new app is released (to donators only, of course) or some new firmware version leaks (see? we now have firmware version leaks, I wonder what's next...), so I thought I'd spare you the same ordeal, since you are probably following other related blogs as well.

Hot links will basically be posts containing links to the most interesting original content I come across. Think Google Reader shared items, but without the spam and the useless crap. These posts will definitely be rare, and be warned that the articles they will link to will probably have more than the average length. This label is meant for very well-thought posts, insights, comparisons and so on. They won't be easy reads, but in my opinion they will be worth your time.