Nokia N810: Customizing the appearance


The default OS2008 theme is nice, but there are at least two alternatives: the Nuvo Pearl theme and the LCARS PADD (Star Trek) themes. You can find them here. In case you want to install the Star Trek themes, be sure to read the detailed instructions first.

You can always switch between installed themes by clicking on Home->Set theme on the standby screen.


Interfacelift is one of the best known wallpaper sites. Recently (after Ricky Cadden of Tablet Guru suggested this), they have added support for the N800/N810 (and Asus EEE PC) resolution of 800x480.

Click here for Interfacelift's wallpaper collection.

To change the wallpaper, while at the standby screen, click on Home->Set background image. Then click "Browse" to locate the folder where you have downloaded the wallpaper(s).

Needless to say, all these themes and wallpapers are free.

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